A Palestinian man identified as Kamel Basseela, 48 years of age, was seriously injured after two Israeli extremists dropped a stone on him as he was heading to work in occupied Jerusalem. The wounded man was moved to surgery suffering fractures in his spine, and a ruptured artery.The extremists attacked Basseela on Wednesday as he was walking near the Al-Magharba Gate, while heading to work in West Jerusalem.

They dropped a big stone on him from a high altitude hitting him in the back, causing fractures to his spine and chest, while one of his arteries also ruptured due to the attack.

He passed out instantly and was moved to Shaare Zedek Medical Center, in West Jerusalem, suffered very serious injuries.

Daoud Baseela, one of his relatives who also witnessed the attack, said that Baseela will also be going through a heart surgery due to his injuries.

He called the police who managed to apprehend one of the assailants while a second extremist fled the scene.

Kamel Baseela is a married father of four children; he is from the Al-‘Isawiyya town, in occupied East Jerusalem.